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Campaign Focus

Better Roads

Council managed roads - fund, fix and regularly maintain our local road system that is in a terrible state.


State managed roads - MRSC must advocate hard and unwavering to the State Government to repair the appalling State managed road system.          


Contact me to discuss a specific concern, thoughts or ideas regarding our local roads.

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Better Rate Distribution

Equitable investment and distribution of rates across all townships of the Macedon Ranges.


Ward specific investment of rates, from community back into community.


Financial contributions supporting ward specific capital works, service infrastructure and innovation to meet the current and future needs of our local communities.


Better Waste Management

The most recent council satisfaction survey reported MRSC as the top ‘Waste Management’ performing area. Since this survey we’ve seen the introduction of a green waste charge at our local facilities and closure of the storm recovery centre.


A free clean green waste program should be available to all rate payers with a proactive approach to managing commercial waste, reducing roadside and forest dumping.


With increasing developments being approved shire wide, innovative and economically sound solutions around commercial waste disposal and recycling must be explored to ensure an ongoing functional and sustainable approach to waste management.


Better Public Transport

Advocate to the state government for better East ward public transport service.

Buses that reliably connect to V/Line, metro rail and bus services. Simple cost-effective improvements might include:

  • Consistent payment options to encourage better patronage of the services.

  • Update the existing antiquated ‘cash only’ service.

  • Eliminate the need to be a tech savvy consumer in order to purchase tickets and utilise the V/Line bus service.  

  • Install legible and updated timetables at the bus stops.

  • Develop a social media campaign creating better awareness and utilisation of the services.


I’d love to hear your ideas on how the service could be better improved to benefit you and our local community.

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